We are delighted that Íslandsbanki, who own BNbank and Kredittbanken - as well as 10 percent of the shares in the new Bank2 in Norway, agreed to become the main sponsor of the event. They have asked Bjørn Richard Johansen, the newly appointed Communication and Public Affairs Director of Íslandsbanki and previous Vice CEO of Burson-Marsteller in Norway(mailto:bjoern.richard.johansen@no.bm.com) to help our team organize the event.
We are progressively adding more prominent people to the reception committee. However, we would like more ladies in our team so suitable recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
We also need to ensure we get a lot more support on the night. Please talk to the movers & sharkers among your friends to ensure this event is a real success. The Trondheim group has completed an excellent job but if we are to succeed in reproducing their great initiative throughout Norway, we must show them support like never before. Remember, this can be the real beginning of a recovery in the salmon stocks of all Norwegian rivers.Our Salmon Event Secretary, Inger Liam (mailto:ilian@awilgroup.no) of Anders Wilhelmsen & Co AS is waiting to hear from more people who can give her the right kind of quality names and addresses. And Oystein Aas (mailto:oystein.aas@nina.no) is very keen to hear from more people who will give us interesting items for the grand auction. I am personally putting my best efforts into this project and I know I can count on you to help us make the event a resounding success..
Reykjavík 4. sept, 2005 Orri Vigfússon